Monday, August 16, 2010

Although, As Much

As much as I love the sun, I'm getting tired of this heat.
Although I am excited and happy to be painting for a class again, I'm also stressed out.
Although Summer has treated me right, I'm ready for Fall's love.
i've been full of love lately. FULL. in the best way possibly.
as much as i love to socialize, i've been feeling antisocial lately.
but fall is fast approaching, and connections need to be made.
i need a job. a car. and then i'll get a kitten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss,
Please excuse my interruption. I simply wish to tell you how much I like the free spirit vibe of your blog. You really are a fantastic writer. Have you ever tried your hand at poetry? Your posts are short and to the point...yet interesting and somehow alluring. All of the qualities needed for poetry.
Best of thoughts,