Friday, May 21, 2010

esse quam videri

a little meaning on the tattoo i hope to get soon.
Esse quam videri is latin for "to be, rather than to seem."

I first learned this quote several years ago at an upscale mexican restaurant in Carpinteria, CA. I was with my mother's side of the family, sitting on the left side of the table with my cousin andrew and grandpa chuck. My grandpa is one of the smartest and well-educated people i know. He knows several languages ranging from conversational spanish, to russian, german, english of course, and latin. Over his margarita he told andrew and i this phrase. and i instantly felt a change. I remember telling my grandpa that he inspired me and andrew to get tattoos of this quote. of course this was met with laughs and advising not to, but for the record, we both still plan on getting this tattoo.

to me esse quam videri is never pretending to be anything other than what you are. if you are truly happy, be happy and don't hold back. if something is bothering you, don't try to hide your feelings. sometimes the release of a passion like that can be uncomfortable, but to just being in the moment of being who you are can be truly rewarding. i've spent a few years of my life, pretending to be comfortable with my self and trying to seem happy. Looking back, now feeling happy and fairly confident in myself, I feel as if i was lying to myself and others. genuine people are the easiest to relate to because they are REAL. So I try to take this quote as a reminder to just BE.

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