Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer To do List.

before i even get to this list I must write about what i just thought of.
i vow to buy and wear a new pair of heels for my birthday.
i dont wear 'em enough!

and so begins my list, and i will add to this and update it in the coming week leading into my summer vacation. and this is in by no means, any particular order.

  1. get tan.  gotta build up that base tan until i'm finally back on california beaches. Also, (FB4L)
  2. Lose 10 lbs. I"ve been at the same plateau of physical shape for so long. time to play some summer sports again.
  3. Learn stick shift. I got a new car, and guess what- it's manual. guess it's time to learn :)
  4. Spend one month volunteering at Prototypes Residential Treatment Center for Women. bring it on July!
  5. Update my resume. i want to get a new job when i come back from Ventura, it's time for a new routine.... for realll
  6. GET RID OF SHIT. My apartment feels cluttered. 
  7. Find the best Portland Happy Hours.
  8. CONCERT$$$$$
  9. I think a trip to the Oregon Coast is required this summer.
  10. I also think a _______ ________ day is in order at Sauvie Isalnd. 
  11. Find a nail salon open after 6pm on a Sunday! seriously oregon, why nott??
  12. ARTT. it's been so long. hopefully i will find the leisure to this summer. Especially in Ventura, I want to paint every flower in the garden. haha
  13. Take Forrest to the Punchbowls. I'll find a way!
  14. blahblahblah