Friday, July 30, 2010


always been admirable
always been an inspiration.

a few of my favorites:


Sneeze > Weeze.
 Keys, please.
 Peas, jeez!
 Bees ease fees.
 He's knees appease seas. Tease.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

laughing at myself

went to the store to buy hairdye and makeup.
came home with hotpockets.


lately, i've been drawn to this song.
it goes harmoniously well with driving along the pacific coast,
with the bass turned all the way up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


H-rant: shoutout to akon for providing annoying music 95% of the time.
and perfectly catchy simple off key songs for the other 5%.
and of those 5%, 4% are for when intoxicated.

you're so tthugggg